Thursday 5 February 2009

New training initiative from nFlow aims to help reduce document production costs for firms

nFlow has announced a new workshop training concept for firms wishing to reduce costs by training staff on dictation skills to make sure they are producing text as efficiently as possible. This follows their successful online dictation skills seminar last year and the feedback they have received on their training support website – nFlow say that focused dictation skills training can provide considerable savings, particularly if a firm outsources typing, by significantly reducing the retyping of documents due to incomprehensible or poor dictation and potentially delivering even higher fee earner to secretary ratios.As a workshop the training sessions can be tailored to meet the needs of any firm and can cater for a number of people at once making it very cost effective. In the current climate nFlow suggest that a small investment in training can ensure that firms are getting the very best use of their digital dictation system irrespective of whether it is nFlow, Winscribe or Bighand further enhancing the productivity gains the technology is well known for.

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